Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

I didn't take any photos today - boo! I should have taken at least 1 shot and me and me sweet kiddos but it was a busy day.

J. brought me breakfast in bed, coffee & cocoa really just doesn't get any better than that!

The kids (& mostly hubby) got me a beautiful Coach bag! Hubby said T's reaction over the bag was "You're gonna get her a purse?" like it was the craziest idea ever. This kid has lived with me for 11 1/2 years now, you would think he had realized my obsession with Coach by now!

We had lunch at my niece's house along with my sister and 2 other nieces and my parents. It was a great time and always so fun to see my adorable great nieces & nephew!

I got in a nice nap this afternoon while hubby installed our new dining room chandelier :) Dinner was out for Chinese, my favorite!

A great day!!