Tuesday, December 30, 2008

January 1, 2009

{first day of the new year}.

I had big plans for today, kind of my way to start the new year rolling. It was all shot by about 8:02 am when the boys woke up...in {MOODS}. As is par for the course around this house, voices were raised and tears were shed. But, by about noon we had things back on the right track and the day ended on a good note.

We spent part of the morning taking down the Christmas decorations and then the (4) of us played a game of Monopoly.

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I started {PROJECT 365} today. Hopefully I will make it past January this time :) My daily photos will be posted here at Photoblog and some that I really like will be posted here as well.

I have my {one little word} (based on Ali Edwards prompt here) picked out and ready to go.

My word for 2009 is {MEANINGFUL} - adjective - full of meaning, significance, purpose, or value; purposeful; significant.


I came up with this word about a month ago during *therapy* (gasp)! We were talking about who I really am and what I want / what is important to me. I was listing off things and MK said "so, you want things in your life or want to do things that are meaningful" and as I thought about it I realized that was EXACTLY what I want and need. So often I get caught up in the day to day blahs of my job and frustration with kids and dull life necessities and I feel unsatisfied with it all. I want to do things with purpose, give with significance to others, create a value in this world...all of the things that define {MEANINGFUL}.

The rest of this long weekend will be spent having quality time with the kiddos and working on some crafty stuff. I have lots of jewelry ideas I want to get started on for my new ETSY shop that I hope to get going this month. I have some acrylic albums ready to get listed, I just need to get photos of everything and I will be ready go.