OK, I have to retract the last statement on my earlier post here.
I couldn't sleep at night if I wasn't honest.
She redeemed herself last night and made a selfless decision.
When my husband divorced, their agreement was that C. & A. would split their time 50/50 with their parents and would go to school based off of her address. This was fine before he and I got married. But, when we married he moved into my house and my house is in a different county. So, for the past 2 years, every other week we have had to drive C. & A. to school in another county. Now, it really has not been an issue because we work about 20 minutes from their school. It did add to the "hectic-ness" in the mornings and did mean we had 2 children in 1 school and 2 children in another school, in another county.
Last night D. and his ex talked about the situation, specifically about how C. needed some help controlling his behavior. We all feel that he is not getting the extra support he needs at his current school. In addition, D. feels like C. needs more structure, consistency, and discipline...all things that they do not get when they are at their mother's (not being ugly, she admits this).
She agreed that it was in C.'s best interest to change schools to our county.
However, she feels like she is "giving up" her child (understandably so but really it is just re-arranging the time) and said she could not possibly let both of the children make the switch. She wanted A. to stay with her and go to school in her {new} county (she moved 2 counties away for work about 2 weeks ago).
Now, I don't think anyone would agree that breaking up siblings is a good idea so D. was very upset about this. C. & A. are REALLY close to each other and it would be unbearable for them to be apart from each other. After much discussion, including {her} asking A. how she would feel, it was decided that they would both change schools to our county.
For us this is huge.
For us we now have (4) elementary school children full time (minus every other weekend)!
For us we can offer C. & A. an education from the best schools in GA.
For us our family is complete much more of the time.
However, being a mother, I realize the sacrifice she made and I am impressed at the selflessness that it took for her to do that.
It is not something that I would ever want to have to do.