Thursday, December 31, 2009

One little word & Happy New Year

I finally decided on my word for 2010...

it is "do".

Such a simple word, but it has a huge impact to me.

  • I need to "do" more creative stuff. 

  • I need to "do" some things to get myself healthier.

  • I need to "do" more to make my blended family jive.

  • I need to "do" more photography practice.

  • I need to "do" more to enjoy (or at least accept) my job choice.

  • I need to "do" more to show my children patience & virtue & other good qualities.

Lots of things that I always think about "do"-ing but never seem to get to them...hoping to make 2010 the year.

To all of my blog readers, thank you so much for spending your time here, reading the stuff that I ramble about! I appreciate it so much, more than I am capable of expressing in words! I hope you will continue to come back in 2010, I promise to continue on my ramblings.

Have a safe and fun New Years Eve and a happy and healthy 2010!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rockin' COOL Christmas Cookies!


Have you seen this?

{Procrastination Station: Sugar Cookie How-To}

What a totally cool idea.

Kind of a doh! Why didn't I think of that idea.

What a great way to make perfectly decorated cookies!

Lookout we come!

* Swoon *


I love these.

I don't know why.

They {truly} won't serve any purpose.

It might be the colors.

It might be the size.

It might be the simplicity of the photo.

Whatever it is, I love them & I want to make them!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

12 * 12 * 12 Holiday Blog Hop Part 2

Welcome back for the last post of today's Holiday Blog Hop!

This time I am going to show you a quick, easy & inexpensive way to make Peppermint Bark.

Peppermint Bark

If you would like to try this out yourself, you can click here to download the full size pdf.

Hope you enjoy this recipe and have a very Merry Christmas!


12 * 12 * 12 Holiday Blog Hop

Welcome everyone to my first post for the 12 * 12 * 12 Holiday Blog Hop.

Today I am going to make magic Reindeer Food. My kiddos love to sprinkle this on the lawn on Christmas Eve, right before they head off to bed!

Reindeer Food

If you would like to try this for yourself you can click here to download the full size pdf.

Also, you can click here to download a page of the tags I used on my packages.

Hope you and your children enjoy!

Your next stop on the 12 * 12 * 12 Holiday Blog Hop is to check back in with Laura right here.

Merry Christmas!


12 * 12 * 12 Holiday Blog Hop Starts Now!


Welcome to the start of our Holiday Blog Hop!

Over the next 12 hours you will find links to myself and 5 other creative bloggers who will be sharing some amazing holiday crafts and recipes with you!

We are thrilled that you are joining us and hope that you are inspired by what you see!

Enjoy and have a wonderful holiday!

Here is the schedule for today...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Check this out...


12 hours on December 12th we will bring you 12 different holiday inspired posts.

Please join us starting at 8am CST for a day of holiday fun - see you here!


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Too beautiful to eat!


Brrrrfrosty snowflake sugar cookies by sugarcookiecouture on Etsy.

I cannot fathom the time and effort that much have gone into making these cookies! I want them because they are so amazing to look at but I would hate myself if I ate them!

Look at that beautiful blue color **swoon**

...really loving her style...


molly irwin: December daily :: day 7+8

Monday, December 7, 2009

This made me cry.

J. was/is really sick, he will be going to the doctor today...hoping it is not H1N1.

Saturday afternoon I was snuggling on the couch with J.

T. was up doing something in the family room / kitchen area.

I asked him (T.) if he would mind filling up J.'s glass with more O.J. 

He said sure and filled it up. I said "thanks, dude".

J. looked up and said "Thanks, T." and T. said "Sure, J."

Then...J. said "I love you T." to which T. replied "I love you, too, J."

Then T. came over and gave J. a hug. 

They hugged each other!

They told each other they loved each other!

I haven't seen behavior like this since they were under 5 years old!

It made me happy.

It made me cry.

They were confused, but I told them I was crying because they made me happy.

It was a good day.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

* Catching up on my December Daily / Journal Your Christmas *

DD-JYC Graphic 1


page credits: template by Ali Edwards, background papers by Mindy Teresawa, kraft paper words by Katie Pertiet, stitching by Libby Weifenbach, tree dates were downloaded from, photo from stockxchng.

DD-JYC Graphic 2


page credits: template by Ali Edwards, background papers by Mindy Teresawa, kraft paper by Katie Pertiet, tree dates were downloaded from, photo from stockxchng.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December Daily & Journal Your Christmas

I committed to myself several months ago that I was going to record/journal/scrapbook this Holiday season for my family. So, I signed up for Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas and planned out my Ali Edwards December Daily album. 

Fast forward to December 1st and guess what? I am ALREADY behind. 

Whatever. That is just how I roll, I guess. I am not going to let it stress me out or cancel my plans. I will just go with the flow.

I did manage to {finally} decide that I am going to do this project digitally. That just works better for me right now even though I bought tons of paper supplies, sshhhh, don't tell hubby.

Yesterday I managed to create my cover page for the album. I am going with SIMPLE in theme and style this year.

Here is my cover page.


page credits:
template by Ali Edwards, background papers by Mindy Teresawa &
Danielle Engebretson, stitching by Libby Weifenbach, sparkly alpha my own design.

While I was working on the page I knew I wanted a sparkly, glittery alpha for the text but couldn't find what I wanted online. Then I remembered a glittery holiday alpha I made several years ago {when I was still designing digital product}. I still think it looks awesome after all these years!

So, in the spirit of giving, I have posted a graphic and link for you {my darling blog readers} to download and enjoy.


Download SparklyRedAlpha

All I ask is that you use this for personal use only :) I would love to see how/where you use it, so please send me a link in the comments.


Monday, November 30, 2009

On my Christmas list...

Keep Calm And Carry on Poster

Turquoise Blue by sfgirlbybay


Thanksgiving and a Birthday.

I FORGOT my camera on Thanksgiving Day. I have NO pictures. I am really bummed about it but am going to let it go and remember that I was present and in the moment without it. I enjoyed myself and didn't worry about trying to get great pictures :)

Yeah, that's my story.


This is my Great Nephew. Great as in he is great and great as in he is my niece's son.

Friday was his 1st birthday. He was born on Thanksgiving day last year and we are all very thankful for him!

Spencer 1 

He thought his birthday cake was pretty cool...

Spencer's First Birthday

His big sister did too...

Spencer's Birthday Cake

And his cousin...

Spencer's Birthday Cake

It was a great weekend spent with my great family. I am so very thankful for them.


Thursday, November 26, 2009


Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.

-  Cicero



Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oh my...I am in LOVE.


I saw these ADORABLE handmade ornaments on Donna Downey's blog this morning. I am completely IN LOVE with this idea! I love fabric but am deathly afraid of it because it is not something I have really ever used. I love words and quotes and the idea of having our Christmas tree covered with meaningful words and quotes just makes me smile! I bet I could even get the kids involved in doing some stamping on these!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


My sweet friend Carrie gave me a blog award! I have never had a blog award so I am totally stoked! Thanks Carrie!

I am supposed to list 5 random facts about me. This was really tough to come up with but hopefully you will find them interesting or at least somewhat amusing LOL! 

  1. When I was 27 I left the fortune 50 company I had been working for since college to move across the country to San Francisco and start a completely new career in consulting. I told myself that if it didn't work out I would just live in the city, work at a coffee house, and be a starving artist. For a degreed accountant this was a BOLD move!

  2. If I could start my adulthood over I would go to college to study Marine Biology and work with dolphins, preferably training them for Sea World.

  3. In high school I actually went out on a date dressed like Madonna from Desperately Seeking Susan, layered tank tops, mini skirt, bows in my hair, and heels with ruffled socks. My parents STILL tell the story at every family gathering and laugh about it hysterically.

  4. My first son was born 9 months and 2 days after my wedding. I had some explaining to do on that was Maui!

  5. When I was 2 our family took a Griswold Family vacation from Michigan to California in a wood paneled station wagon. It was my parents, my 18 yr old sister, 16 yr old brother, and my Grandmother. On the entire trip I pretended I was Cinderella. My Dad was Prince Charming and my Grandmother was the Evil Step-Mother (she was not amused). I ate nothing but Shrimp Cocktail and Chocolate Milk. I have no memory of the trip EXCEPT for seeing the ocean while driving the Pacific Coast Highway. I think that is what always fueled my passion to move to California. When I moved there and would drive the PCH I always had a feeling of coming home. Weird, huh?

And in turn I need to nominate 5 people as well! Problem is, most of my good friends and regualr readers have already been nominated LOL!. So, instead I am going to nominate anyone that leaves me a comment :) 

Go ahead, leave me a comment, I dare ya!


Monday, November 23, 2009


On this Monday...

it is chilly (47 degrees) and drizzly.

the children are out of school for Thanksgiving holidays.

i am listening to i heart radio app on my iphone.

work is really going to be slow this week.

T. has an appointment with Dr. W. to check on his meds.

J. is still having issues with anger, depression, and hurting himself; will be talking to Dr. W. about that today as well.

C. & A. are with us. A. is super excited about her new school, C. is not too sure.

pleased to see this blog post from our wonderful pediatrician Dr. R.

i am thankful for the wonderful doctors in my children's lives, to have my family together, and looking forward to the holidays with everyone.

have a great Monday!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

World Blog Hop!

Welcome to the World Blog Hop put together by students from Shimelle's Blogging for Scrapbookers class! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. Please leave a comment and let me know where you are from and a link back to your blog if you have one!

We wanted to put together this blog hop to share some amazing blogs from all around the world and to show everyone a small glimpse outside of our window right now...

This picture is the last little bit of fall left here in Atlanta, GA. Most of the leaves are off of the trees. I caught the sun shining directly on the tree and the leaves lit up like gold! What an amazing shot!

From here please continue on your journey to "blog around the world" by visiting April's blog. April is currently taking Ali Edwards' Yesterday and Today class and has some lovely thoughts on family memories and photos!

Enjoy your trip!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Favorite Things Graphic

I love ETSY!

I find myself surfing through the site more often then surfing digiscrap sites lately!

In My Favorite Things you will find photos and links to some of my current favorites.

Hope you enjoy!

(note: graphics are direct links to the items on Etsy)

from Studio Mela


Dazeychic 2 

from Lucky Bluebird Art

LuckyBluebirdArt's shop


from Love Sugar Design

Lovesugar's shop

from Everything Lovely

Everything's lovely 1

Everything's lovely 2

Christmas Creatures by mibostudio on Etsy

How adorable are these guys? I am totally going to make these to display on the mantle or even add some string and hang them from the tree!

click on the graphic to go directly to Mibo Etsy shop :)


Starbucks Red Holiday To-Go Mug at


I saw this on Heather Melzer's blog this morning and had to go order it!

Thanks Heather,you are such a great enabler :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


OK, I have to retract the last statement on my earlier post here.

    I couldn't sleep at night if I wasn't honest.

She redeemed herself last night and made a selfless decision.

When my husband divorced, their agreement was that C. & A. would split their time 50/50 with their parents and would go to school based off of her address. This was fine before he and I got married. But, when we married he moved into my house and my house is in a different county. So, for the past 2 years, every other week we have had to drive C. & A. to school in another county. Now, it really has not been an issue because we work about 20 minutes from their school. It did add to the "hectic-ness" in the mornings and did mean we had 2 children in 1 school and 2 children in another school, in another county. 

Last night D. and his ex talked about the situation, specifically about how C. needed some help controlling his behavior. We all feel that he is not getting the extra support he needs at his current school. In addition, D. feels like C. needs more structure, consistency, and discipline...all things that they do not get when they are at their mother's (not being ugly, she admits this). 

    She agreed that it was in C.'s best interest to change schools to our county. 

However, she feels like she is "giving up" her child (understandably so but really it is just re-arranging the time) and said she could not possibly let both of the children make the switch. She wanted A. to stay with her and go to school in her {new} county (she moved 2 counties away for work about 2 weeks ago). 

Now, I don't think anyone would agree that breaking up siblings is a good idea so D. was very upset about this. C. & A. are REALLY close to each other and it would be unbearable for them to be apart from each other. After much discussion, including {her} asking A. how she would feel, it was decided that they would both change schools to our county. 


For us this is huge.

For us we now have (4) elementary school children full time (minus every other weekend)! 

For us we can offer C. & A. an education from the best schools in GA.

For us our family is complete much more of the time.

However, being a mother, I realize the sacrifice she made and I am impressed at the selflessness that it took for her to do that. 

It is not something that I would ever want to have to do. 

T & J Gem Mining


1 day of school missed.

1 trip to North Carolina with Grandma & Poppi.

1 new adventure of Gem Mining.

2 happy brothers.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Exercise Ball.

Events like the following really make me question the sanity of people.

Our son C. is a VERY active 8 year old. I would even venture to call him hyperactive. He is constantly in trouble at school for fidgeting, touching, disrupting, etc. 

We (hubby & I) had a conference with his teacher a few weeks ago and discussed what is going on at school. He is a stellar student academically but his behavior is hindering his progress. We discussed some interventions we could try at school.

Last Friday his teacher got an exercise ball for him to sit on. This is a proven therapeutic technique for ADHD kids. It is used to satisfy their need to move around because they HAVE to move on the ball to stay balanced.

All day Friday he did well with the exercise ball. His behavior was very calm and quiet. Monday started out the same until the teacher had to step out of the room for 2 minutes. During these 2 minutes C. decided it would be fun to stab his pencil into the exercise ball.

The exercise ball popped.

The teacher emailed me yesterday about the situation and advised me that we would need to pay for the exercise ball. This seemed reasonable to us...our child maliciously damaged school property, right?

Last night hubby's ex-wife called him...she was MAD! The kids are with her this week so she received the note about paying for the exercise ball. Hubby and the ex discussed the situation, what happened, why, and what could be done to control his behavior. The results of THAT conversation though need to be devoted to their own blog post.

Anyhow, apparently their discussion did not calm her anger over having to pay for the exercise ball so she decided to send a note to the teacher relaying her feelings.

The note went something like this:

Ms. S.,

You are stupid. The whole damn school system is stupid. It was a stupid idea to have C. sit on an exercise ball. You should have called me for permission first. I would have told you "NO, that is a stupid idea". As far as the money goes, GOOD LUCK!

Can you believe that?

Who calls their child's teacher stupid? Or, the entire school system? 

I am continually astounded at the childishness of this woman.

Friday, November 13, 2009

This or That quiz

I am notoriously late so it is no surprise that I just joined the 12 Days: a copy & paste Christmas. I am really only like a week or so late, that isn't so bad is it? Yeah, I know, it is.

They posted this fun little quiz (before the class started) and being a perfectionist I wanted needed to play along! 

My answers are in italics.

This OR That?


fabric OR paper


ink OR paint


grungy OR clean


cut with scissors OR tear with bare hands

cut - it just makes sense with the above choice.

measure OR just guess

measure - ditto.

careful OR haphazard

careful - getting redundant.

hoarder OR minimalist


Christmas OR Summer holidays


music OR talk radio


drive OR walk


gym OR beach


cook a meal OR buy take-away


fruit OR cake


ironing OR crafting


ironing OR vacuuming

crafting neither

my friends OR my own company

my own company

talk OR listen


you OR them


always OR never


half-full OR half-empty


yes OR no


Fun Family Friday.

Most Friday nights we try to do something "fun" together as a family whether it be out to dinner and a movie or delivery pizza and a rental.

Tonight's fun though seems to be all about shopping for MOM! Yay me!

To bribe the kids we are starting out at Cici's Pizza. Definitely not a gourmet meal but the kids love it, they eat until they are stuffed, they can play games, and it costs under $30 for a family of 6! Can't beat that with a baseball bat!

From there we are off to Best Buy to get me some electronical goodness! Yes, I am a total geek!

I currently have 3 small external hard drives with photos, digi scrap stuff and whatever scattered all over the place. Tonight I will be the proud owner of this baby and all of my digital goodness with be organized and easily accessible. Can you say WOOT!

Since taking Karen Russell's "The Photographer's Workshop" my compact flash card has been giving me trouble - little brat! So tonight I am going to show it who's boss and replace it with one of these lovelies! Maybe I will even get 2. Oh yeah!.

The next stop is Barnes and Noble. They are currently holding just for me, a brand new copy of this! I can't wait to read it's deliciousness! <------ Did you notice that play on words? 

That should about wrap up both the available funds and kids patience so the next stop will be home. I know it isn't the most glamorous or exciting stuff in the world but it is for me and that is a rare thing LOL!

Have a great Friday!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

a dream.

Last night I dreamt that I was leaving {the next day} for a trip somewhere exotic. In my dream I was doing last minute stuff for the trip and was then going to pack. When I got to the packing part of my dream I decided to try on the new clothes I had bought specifically for the trip. To my horror none of the clothes fit me AT ALL. They were so tight I couldn't even pull shorts all the way up my legs. 

I was mortified in my dream.

From there I proceeded to head to any store that I could find to try to buy new clothes but every store was out of summer clothes, of course, because it is November. 

As I was driving from store to store in my dream I started to notice that it was getting harder and harder to drive the car because I was getting bigger and bigger in my dream. I began to have difficulty turning the steering wheel because my arms were so big. I couldn't move my foot from the gas to the brake because my legs were so big. Finally it just became difficult to get into or out of the car because all of me was so huge.

I have struggled with my weight all of my life. At times I can accept that my body is what it is and at times I can't. Right now I am really struggling with my body image and self-esteem. I realize that I need to do something about the situation but for some reason I don't have the motivation to actually do it.

I need to find the motivation.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Eye Candy

I am working on several posts for the blog but my mind is just not into it right now...I am worried about J. We have an appointment tomorrow with our developmental pediatrician and will hopefully get some answers. Once my mind is calmer I have lots to share!

For now, please enjoy some of my flickr faves.

1. Time to sigh..., 2. Untitled, 3. sfgirlbybay, 4. Untitled, 5. Belinda Graham, 6. *

Note: this post was inspired by Kirsty Neale

Monday, November 9, 2009

Loving this idea...

Do you have one of these in your home?

Check out the FREE DIY project by Paislee Press at!

Paislee Press: wall art (diy project no. 1)


I love everything she designs lately! The few times I have scrapbooked this year (here) and (here) have been with Paislee Press designs. I think what I like most about her designs is that they are so elegant and classic.

I have several areas in my home that are empty and need something fun to jazz the place up! I am definitely going to try this! 

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Favorite Things.

I am totally crazy over Letterpress lately. I love the clean, sharp lines that letterpress creates in a piece. To me if feels elegant and classy, even if the design is playful. I think it is an amazing artform and would love to learn how to do it. Unfortunately, there is only one place (that I can find) in the Atlanta area the teaches letterpress.

These are some of my favorite holiday letterpress items that I have found on Etsy, thought I would share :)

Happy Holidays Holly Letterpress Card @ byvikINK's Etsy shop

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas Letterpress tags @ RubyVictoria's Etsy shop

Merry Tags

Peace, Love, & Jot Letterpress Card @ PaperMonkeyPress's Etsy shop


Happy Holidays Letterpress Card @ PaperMonkeyPress's Etsy shop

Happy HolidaysCard

Noel Letterpress Tags @ Duetletterpress's Etsy shop

Noel Tag

Peace, Love, & Hope Letterpress Tags @ Bluecole's Etsy shop

Word Tags

Joy, Peace, Noel Letterpress Tags @ DingbatPress's Etsy shop

Joy Peace Noel Tags

Scarlet Noel Holiday Card @ Rubypress's Etsy Shop

Noel Tags

I hope you enjoyed!
