Thursday, December 31, 2009

One little word & Happy New Year

I finally decided on my word for 2010...

it is "do".

Such a simple word, but it has a huge impact to me.

  • I need to "do" more creative stuff. 

  • I need to "do" some things to get myself healthier.

  • I need to "do" more to make my blended family jive.

  • I need to "do" more photography practice.

  • I need to "do" more to enjoy (or at least accept) my job choice.

  • I need to "do" more to show my children patience & virtue & other good qualities.

Lots of things that I always think about "do"-ing but never seem to get to them...hoping to make 2010 the year.

To all of my blog readers, thank you so much for spending your time here, reading the stuff that I ramble about! I appreciate it so much, more than I am capable of expressing in words! I hope you will continue to come back in 2010, I promise to continue on my ramblings.

Have a safe and fun New Years Eve and a happy and healthy 2010!



  1. I picked the same word, hope it inspires both of us! :)

  2. Happy New Year! And thank you for sharing! Great word!

  3. I love the word you've chosen and your reasons for choosing it. Happy New Year!

  4. Great word and list! Happy New Year, Julie!!!

  5. Hi Julie, I love your word and your reasons. Let's hope it's a great year full of "doing"!
    ps: I found your blog from Elizabeths class, which I am loving and I think I will now have a little poke around LOL
    See you on the boards...
