Image via Flickr
I have been feeling a little RABID lately, towards a lot if things.
The other night I followed hubby to the Harley shop to have his bike serviced. During the drive I stayed an appropriate distance behind him so that if anything happened, I would be able to stop in time. However, no less than 10 cars merged in front of me and behind an unsafe distance. When we got off the highway at our exit traffic was backed up. I stayed behind him again, about a car+ length away. A woman in a little Honda proceeded to come up on my right side and swerve in between hubby and I. When she stopped she was INCHES from hitting his bike. I felt like rolling down my window and telling her to back the hell off, that was my husband she almost hit. Then, because traffic was slow, she began creeping up on him every time traffic moved a bit. Several times she had to swerve to avoid bumping into him. Granted we were not going fast, so there would not have been serious harm if she had bumped him but that is not the point. Let me tell you, I almost put the car in park and got out to have a word with her. Believe me when I tell you that this is not at all like me. I am the most confrontation-avoiding person ever but for some reason this really got my feathers ruffled. Moments later we saw the reason for the traffic congestion. Can you guess what is was? Yup, an SUV ran into a motorcycle. The dude on the bike was in the ambulance, no idea how bad he was hurt.
Then, last night and today I made the mistake of searching Twitter for tweets related to Tourettes. The tweets that came back from the search amazed me! There were people making rude comments about actions they saw strangers making, tweeting profanity and joking that they had Tourettes, even laughing about a CNN report on a camp for kids Tourettes. That just really lit me up! I wanted to reply to each of those comments and tell them about how my 10 yr old cries because he gets such a bad headache DAILY from his head thrashing tic. I know that Tourettes is VERY mis-understood but that is no excuse to be so unkind, especially in SUCH a public forum! Tourettes is a terrible disorder and it effects children at a very vulnerable time in their life, during adolescence. We know how mean kids can be at that age to people without disabilities but imagine how horrible they are to the kids with disabilities! It breaks my heart to think that my children have to go through such hardships and that I cannot protect or shelter them from it!
Whew. I am now climbing down from my soapboxes. I will try not to be so negative again.
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