Monday, May 4, 2009

Snow White.

Sometimes I feel like Snow White in my house.

Not because I live with 4 little dwarfs named Grumpy though.

Remember in Snow White when she ran away and was in the forest and all of the animals gathered around her. And remember when she met the dwarfs and they adored her and wanted to be with her all the time.

Yeah, that's why I feel like Snow White, because when I am at home ALL living creatures in my home have to be right there next to me.

When I sit down on the couch to watch TV I have the dogs in my lap or the kids in my lap or sometimes both. When I am in the kitchen making dinner I have the dogs laying at my feet (ie., me tripping over the dogs at my feet) and the kids all in there wanting to help me cook. Hubby usually has to stop in for a kiss or two as well (something about barefoot and in the kitchen he says...). When I sit down at the computer I have a dog at my feet and a dog in my lap, a kid standing behind me and a few on my bed. When I fold laundry I have kids all around me as well but oddly enough, not helping fold the laundry!

It seems that the only place I don't have ALL living creatures following me is in the bathroom. Oh wait, strike that one cause the dogs love to follow me in there as well.

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