Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another dream post...

Do you remember your dreams? Most nights I remember at least bits & pieces of mine. You may recall this, this & this post about my dreams. My husband tells me that he has never remembered a dream. Weird. But, I digress on my husband's weirdness.

Sometimes the crap my brain does really concerns me.

I had the MOST disgusting dream last night.

Lucky for y'all I'm gonna blog about it cause, well, I'm nice that way. Really, it was gross, but I need to write it down because it was so weird and bizarre that it HAS to mean something.

I was younger, before kids I think, and was at the beach where my family goes yearly for vacation. My immediate family was there (parents, siblings, nieces & nephews) but no husband or kids for me. I remember I was wearing a really big t-shirt and my back was itching really bad.

GROSS PART ALERT - here it not read if you don't want to be grossed out.

All of a sudden I had these big bumps all over my back. Then, the bumps started popping open and these minuscule crab-like creatures started coming out of the bumps and crawling all over me. I was a little freaked out about it (in my dream) but not hysterical like, you know, I would have been in real life.
My mom came over with some kind of medicine and sprayed it on my back to kill these things. The ones that didn't die immediately ran off of me and were going towards the rest of my family. Now, judging from their reactions (in my dream) these things were a) highly contagious b) extraordinarily gross (like I didn't know that already) and c) amazingly dangerous because everyone (ie. family members) started running and screaming.

Then I woke up.

WHAT THE HELL? Dreams generally have some significance, right? It might be a memory from the past, a fear of something, or a cataloging of information, but generally there IS significance. Well, I can promise you that never, ever do I remember things ejecting themselves from my skin nor do I have any recollection of receiving information related to such an event. I will, however, tell you that yes, I do have a fear of this type of situation, I mean, who, in their right mind wouldn't? Not necessarily a fear of it actually happening but more so a fear that if it did happen...well, you can imagine.

So, for the life of me I CANNOT figure out what the significance of this dream could be.

Do I disgust myself?

Do I fear that my family is afraid of me?

Am I certifiably insane?

Any ideas? Wait, do I have any readers left or have you all gone running and screaming away? Maybe that was the significance...that I shouldn't blog about such disgusting stuff!

If you are still here, I will try not to dream such gross stuff anymore, but, if I do, I can't promise that I won't blog about it.

That's just how I roll.


1 comment:

  1. Haha! Sometimes you can find dream meanings online. You should Google it and let us know what you find! :)
