Tonight, after a really good day of birthday party fun, I made a really huge parenting fail. So, so frustrated with parenting right now.
J & T were arguing, as is the norm with them, and J screamed then started to cry. That led me to believe T had done something really mean to him so I jumped on T. He started yelling that he didn't do anything to J and that I always believe J and never believe him. Which is probably true.
Well, I was wrong. J had been over-reacting out of anger and frustration. T hadn't done anything to him. Bad parenting right there.
So, I told them both that from now on, if they had an argument they have to work it out themselves. I don't know who to believe and both of them are going to think I am taking the others side no matter what I do. If either of them tattle or get out of control or whatever and I have to get involved, they are BOTH going to be punished. No matter who did questions arguments listened to...just equal punishments for both of them.
Is parenting really supposed to be this difficult?
Seriously, is it?